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Here you will find information about all the projects that I have/am currently working on.

Each project will include a link to a site on which it is published, if applicable.


In this casual mobile game, you are in control of an ostrich and the goal is to avoid any and all obstacles that are presented to you in order to get as far down the road as possible. However, the further down the road you get, the faster the ostrich will run so be careful!

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TD Town is a 2D Tower Defence game. Set in a town under attack, players fend off endless waves of enemies by building and upgrading towers. As the enemies scale in numbers and difficulty, how long will you survive while they descend on the power plant? You can read more about it here!

Available at:


Goal Oriented Action Planning AI

In this personal project I have created an Artificial Intelligence system which uses Goal Oriented Action Planning to control its behaviour!

This project is currently still a work in progress where I have a lot of ideas on how to expand and improve the system. For more details on this project, you can read about it on my blog!

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