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A New Team - A New Project


Hello and welcome to the first blog post on my website!

Today I wanted to take the time to create this post to introduce a new project that I am working on but firstly I want to introduce the small, and I mean small, team that will be undertaking this project alongside me, so lets jump in.


The Team

Who are they?

Paul Gush

The first member is Paul Gush. A friend from university, who had to suffer through 3 years of flat-sharing with me as I mainly blasted out Disney music and films whilst cooking or just generally relaxing during the small amounts of time we weren't too busy studying in our rooms or attending lectures and classes. You can find out more about him on his website and LinkedIn pages.

Sam Crosby

The other member of the team is a guy called Sam Crosby. Truth be told, there is little that I know of Sam, albeit, the small bits that Paul has told me tells me that they have recently worked together on a mobile game that is now published on the Google Play Store and that he is a hard working and friendly person who also has reasonable knowledge of coding. You can find out more about him on his website and LinkedIn pages.

The Project

Now that the team has been introduced, lets get on to the project.

This probably isn't what you were expecting the project to be, but as a team we wanted something that we could use to prototype implementations and enhance our knowledge of specific areas in game feature development/programming. This will allow us to view and understand each others areas of interest and strengths, and areas in which we weren't as comfortable so we could help each other improve.

This workspace will allow us to, not only present the variety of our interests, but also demonstrate our personal skills and our ability to work together to write working code which will bring our ideas to life in a 3D environment and give us the opportunity to show off our capabilities.

Our overall plan however, is to take these prototype features, enhance and polish them, and then incorporate them into a game, demo or playtest. This project will definitely be a wild ride with lots of learning ahead, but I hope you will be as interested in this project as we are!

That is it for this post. If you would like to stay up to date, be sure to check back regularly to see if there is any news or updates regarding this project, of which I will be referring to as the 'Playtest Project'.

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